Sunday, September 11, 2005

September 11

Today serves a couple of purposes. The 4 year anniversary of the terror attacks on the United States. I can't believe it's been 4 years! The memories of that tradegy is still fresh in most of our minds! News this morning talked about 4 minutes of silence and a freedom walk. They also talked with people that are trying to rebuild in "ground zero". I think it's a good thing. We need to rebuild and show the terrorist that they can't break our spirit!

Another purpose - The first day of PDC 2005 (I know, I'm such a geek!) Anyway, I just wanted to write a quick note before I head out the door to register for the conference and attend the first pre-conference session. Looking forward to learning a lot! I am also looking forward to speaking with the CommNet people about a few feature requests.

Will write more tonight -- and document my first day.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Found a great link to a .NET FAQ today (on Joel On Software).  This list covers a lot of great questions and answers around the .NET framework!  Great place for interview questions or brushing up!


It's Friday - Leaving for PDC tomorrow!

Last day of work for a whole week!  Looking forward to the PDC next week!  Flying out tomorrow.  I'm not looking forward to wrapping up all of my remaining items today before I go!

I installed MoinMoin yesterday.  It was simple to install and was up and running fairly quick.  The performance is a bit sluggish, and I'm wondering how well it's going to run in the long run -- it doesn't use a database.  So, the size of the installation over time will grow larger with small files dispersed throughout the file system.  There are a couple of options for optimizing performance, I'll try a couple of these today and see if I can get it running at an acceptable level.

The default installation provides the authentication options that we need, but I haven't had a chance to see how to implement locked pages.  I'll look more into this today.  I didn't see the RSS indicator on the RecentChanges page by default, I'll also be searching for ways to enable this today as well.

PDC tasks - I still need to pear down my schedule -- or clone myself about 4 times so that I can see all interesting sessions for each timeslot!  Fun fun!


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Early Release Day

The kids have an early release day... Which means, a short day at the office! I still have to pear down my sched
ule for the PDC next week, I can do that at home. I am going to focus on checking out the MoinMoinWiki this morning.

MoinMoinWiki provides similar functionality to the PhpWiki. I am about to give up on PhpWiki as there are several bugs in the latest release. I can't seem to enable users to create new accounts. The MoinMoinWiki uses Python (instead of PHP) and Apache. It will be interesting to play around with Python. It supports RSS feeds for RecentChanges and allows users to create new accounts. I'll get it installed this morning and see how it performs.

I am ready to find the "right" wiki and be done with this project! I have so many others on my list!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Microsoft PDC 2005 in Los Angeles

Getting ready for PDC 2005 in Los Angeles! I organized my schedule this morning... I really wish they had a better way to build/manage the breakout session schedules online! I think I have at least 3 sessions for the same timeslot! I plan on spending some time this afternoon determining duplicates and trying to narrow each timeslot down to 2 items. It's very difficult to pick the most interesting. Sometimes the topic is interesting, but the session isn't! Oh well... That's conferences I guess. Nonetheless, looking forward to having the opportunity to spend time with the up-and-coming MSFT technology. I haven't had much recently, so I am playing major catch up!

It was very nice of MSFT to give us a free copy of OneNote. Now I just need to figure out to get that laptop to last all day! We'll see!

Oh well, will provide updates from the PDC as I find the free time!