September 11
Today serves a couple of purposes. The 4 year anniversary of the terror attacks on the United States. I can't believe it's been 4 years! The memories of that tradegy is still fresh in most of our minds! News this morning talked about 4 minutes of silence and a freedom walk. They also talked with people that are trying to rebuild in "ground zero". I think it's a good thing. We need to rebuild and show the terrorist that they can't break our spirit!
Another purpose - The first day of PDC 2005 (I know, I'm such a geek!) Anyway, I just wanted to write a quick note before I head out the door to register for the conference and attend the first pre-conference session. Looking forward to learning a lot! I am also looking forward to speaking with the CommNet people about a few feature requests.
Will write more tonight -- and document my first day.